Ramachandran Plots

+ shows A103 of 2gzjF (φ= 0.00, ψ= 0.00) in the Ramachandran Plots of two amino acids
x shows H103 of 1v14A (φ= 0.00, ψ= 0.00) in the Ramachandran Plots of two amino acids

Allowed regions (red) for ALA

Allowed regions (red) for HIS

  • Ramachandran Plots illustrate the backbone dihedral angles (ψ, φ) which are possible for an amino-acid residue in a protein. (ψ,φ) outside the colored regions are of very low possibilities in real proteins.
  • The deeper the color, the higher the possiblilities (more favorable).
  • Residue substitution may result in the original (ψ, φ) out of allowed regions. In this case, protein backbone may be alternated to another (ψ, φ). Please note the distance between '+' and 'x' versus the colored regions of their location.
  • One of our study (in preparation) shows that the changes of Ramachandran probabilities have significant correlation with backbone displacement upon residue substitutions.
  • Ramachandran Plots obtained the Ramachandran probabilities from Dunbrack Lab.